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Why Moving Back in With Your Parents This Summer Is a Good Thing, Actually

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Back view of a family moving boxes and items in the house from the car in this photo from Shutterstock

Moving back in with your parents is a chance to improve your finances and mental health. (Image: Shutterstock)

Everyone knows the freedom that comes with living on your own. You can customize your space to your liking. Nobody asks why you stay out late or leave early. All the food in the fridge belongs to you. Still, that doesn’t rid you of all the responsibilities to keep track of. Rent and utilities are all paid from your pocket, and nobody else can help with chores.

Having a roommate can alleviate these issues, but can also create new ones. Instead of potentially rooming with someone you don’t get along with, why not return to people you know well? Even if it’s just for a season, there’s no shame in moving back in with your parents. You might be surprised that there are plenty of benefits to doing so!

Little-to-No Rent

Depending on your family’s financial situation, you might be able to move back into your old room without helping with rent. Alternatively, your parents might ask you to contribute by paying for utilities, groceries, etc. It’s uncommon that they’ll ask you to foot all the bills, especially if you’re only staying for a few months. Be sure to hash out the details regarding finances before you move back in.

You’re Familiar With the Neighborhood

A woman walking alongside her bike in this image from Shutterstock
Returning home means you don’t have to learn where certain landmarks are. (Image: Shutterstock)

Moving into a new neighborhood can be stressful, especially if you don’t know where things are. Moving back in with your parents eliminates that burden. Sure, some stores or restaurants may have closed or changed location, but you’ll still know the general layout. Parks, churches, and the post office will remain where you left them.

It also removes the frustration of making new friends, at least to a certain degree. If you’re a college student returning for the summer, your friends from high school may be back in the area. You can use this time to catch up and reconnect. Their familiar presence may help with some of the awkwardness.

Home-Cooked Meals

One of the things people miss most when they move out is their family’s home cooking. Whether it’s a secret family recipe or a dependable favorite, some meals can be difficult to recreate in your own kitchen. On the other hand, a local restaurant might have fantastic food, but no other eatery can measure up. Regardless, moving back home allows you to enjoy those meals again. Even if it’s just your father’s mac and cheese, the taste of home is worth returning for (not to mention all the money you’ll save on groceries!).

Build Up Your Savings

$50 and $10 bills in this image from Shutterstock
Living with your parents can mean fewer bills — and that means more money saved. (Image: Shutterstock)

You can save a lot of money by living with your family. Take this opportunity to put more cash into your savings account or toward your retirement. Even an extra $100 can go a long way in building credit or paying off debts. If you’re a recent college graduate, use this chance to start paying off student loans early.

Help Out Your Family

If your parents are reaching a certain age, they’ll likely have difficulty doing certain chores. Tasks like mowing the lawn may be beyond their physical ability. If you move in with them and are able to, you can take up some of these chores in their stead.

Working out a chore chart seems childish, but it’ll help the entire family. Living alone means taking care of all the cleaning, cooking, and repairs. By splitting tasks up with your parents, you won’t have the same level of responsibility as living alone. It also helps lower your costs, since you can save money on the water and electrical bill if everything works properly.

The benefits don’t just end with helping your parents, either. They may be able to save some money as well. Hiring professionals to take care of tasks they’re physically unable to do can be expensive. By having you do them, they’ll keep more of their money in the bank. As a result, this leads to a windfall for you — just don’t expect the same allowance you had when you were a kid.

Job Opportunities

This one depends on where your parents live, but many suburban and urban areas need part-time employees over the summer. Seasonal attractions like amusement parks and retail stores will need workers. If you have the qualifications, a local pool may be looking for a lifeguard. Local businesses may also have a preference for people familiar with the area. Additional income is always beneficial, even if it’s just during the summer.

Staying With Loved Ones

A daughter and father share a side embrace while smiling in this image from Shutterstock
Being with your family can help with your mental health. (Image: Shutterstock)

Independence is great and all, but it can also be isolating. You might start to miss living with others if you don’t have a roommate. Humans are social creatures; even introverts need a certain amount of social interaction for their mental health.

Living with your family allows these social needs to happen naturally, fitting a busy schedule better. It’ll also be with people you care about — friends or family (or even the family pet). You may notice an improvement in your mental health after moving back in.

There’s No Shame in It

Moving back with your parents used to come with a stigma, but now it’s widely accepted. The volatile housing market and rising cost of living have resulted in the rise of multigenerational households. The pandemic had major, lasting effects on people’s health, both physical and mental. Plenty of people need assistance in surviving the new normal.

Family, despite everything, is meant to be there for you no matter what. Your parents are committed to seeing you flourish; if that requires living with them again, they’ll accept you. You should never feel ashamed in turning to others for help, least of all your parents. As for pride, you don’t have to swallow it. There’s intelligence and a sense of achievement in knowing when to ask for and accept help.