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Bundle Up With These 7 Tips for Moving in the Winter


There’s no beating around the bush: Moving places is one of the worst experiences ever, and it only gets worse if you’re moving during the winter — especially if there’s snow involved. Make the best of a terrible situation and unlock some serious savings by following the advice we’re about to give you. Consider it a belated holiday gift! 

Plan Ahead

An easy yet highly effective step you can take to save money while moving during winter is to plan ahead. Those Amazon packages you get almost weekly, for example? Start keeping them instead of tossing them out in the weeks leading up to the big move. That way, you won’t have to spend as much money on boxes and other moving supplies.  

Devising a clear schedule ahead of time will also pay off. If you’re left scrambling, you will likely spend money you could’ve kept in your wallet. If you try to book a moving truck at the last minute, you won’t have many options and you’ll have to spend more money. Be sure to have a moving checklist ready. 

A couple watches a moving-company employee load their boxes into the back of a truck
Moving companies tend to offer lower rates during the week. (Image: Shutterstock)

You will likely want to move on a weekday, since it’s cheaper. As you can imagine, weekends are when people are most available to move, and the high demand drives prices upward.

Moving during the winter will already give you better prices. Moving season peaks in the summer, which allows moving companies to up their prices. As with the rest of the service industry, you want to be strategic and pick a time that gives you the best rates. 

Host a Moving Sale

There’s a hoarder inside all of us, whether or not we’re willing to admit it. Slowly but surely — and often without realizing it — we accumulate things we don’t need, and a move is the perfect time to do some much-needed spring cleaning. Don’t bring unnecessary belongings to your new place and make some extra cash in the process by hosting a moving sale.

The winter months are a good time to declutter. Many of us own brand-new things we’ve never used a single time, and our friends and neighbors would be happy to purchase and use them as Christmas gifts. In addition to turning a profit, getting rid of items you don’t need will make the move lighter, which will help you cut down on moving expenses. If you don’t sell all your merchandise, we recommend making a donation to a local charity in the area — especially during the holidays. 

Use USPS’s Media Mail Service

Self-service kiosk at a U.S. post office
USPS’s Media Mail Service is an incredibly affordable way to ship your books, CDs, and magazines. (Image: Shutterstock)

The U.S. Postal Service’s media mail option is probably the cheapest way to ship books, CDs, and other types of media. If you’re moving a considerable distance, consider using USPS to move your library collection.

Media mail prices are cheap; you can send up to 70 pounds of media mail for about $50 — quite the steal to have your movies, family albums, and other similar items delivered right to your doorstep. Unfortunately, media mail is available for only exactly that: media mail. If you try to sneak in other belongings, USPS won’t ship your package until you pay appropriately.

Use a Moving Container

Using a moving container can be an affordable way to hire professional help. Unlike the moving companies that charge by the hour, moving containers typically follow a significantly less expensive business model. Most companies will drop off the container at your home, and you can take as long as you need to fill it — some companies offer monthly plans — before calling the company to pick up the container and move it for you. 

In addition to letting you move at your own pace, a moving container also gives you the function of renting a storage room. You can use the container to store your belongings for as long as you need, which is a great solution if your new place is not immediately available. Don’t forget to look into moving insurance for additional peace of mind. 

Enlist Help From Friends and Family

Two people are shown packing moving boxes
The more people who help you move, the easier the process will be. (Image: Shutterstock)

This tip may not be popular among your friends and family, but asking them to help you move is a great way to lower moving expenses. When done right, having your loved ones help can make the experience easier, especially if they have a truck or other vehicle you can use. Inviting your friends and family to help you pack can also be a nice way to relive memories and enjoy good company before moving.

You typically won’t be expected to pay friends and family the way you would pay professional movers, but it’s a good call to at least order a pizza or take them out for lunch. Otherwise you may lose some friendships along the way!

Change Utility Services

Moving is a great way to start over, including by hitting reset on some of your existing subscriptions. Rather than bringing all your current providers to your new place, take this as an opportunity to determine whether you can find a better deal somewhere else.

It’s a good idea to change internet providers during a move, especially if you’re moving around the holidays when a lot of internet service providers offer deals and discounts. Changing your subscription plan can help you save money on your monthly bill for the year to come.