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7 Smart Devices Every House Needs

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A woman holding up a tablet displaying a smart home management screen

Smart devices can make your home run more efficiently. (Image: Shutterstock)

It’s never a bad time to make some new transformations around your home, especially without paying full renovation costs. Believe it or not, a simple gadget or appliance can transform any living space and maximize your comfort level. But not just any item will do. You want electronic gadgets connected to your internet network, better known as “smart devices.” Here are some must-have smart devices any modern home should have.

Smart TVs

Smart TVs have been around for so long that there’s simply no excuse for not having one this late in the game. In addition to watching all your favorite programming on a higher resolution screen, smart TVs include other great features made available by an internet connection. Once you connect your smart TV to Wi-Fi, you’ll be able to stream your favorite Netflix shows, listen to Spotify, and watch YouTube videos all from your TV screen. Talk about a nice entertainment setup!

Once you bring a new smart TV home, don’t forget to complement it with a cable TV package that covers all your entertainment needs.

Smart Speakers

A smart speaker displaying the time sits on a white surface
A smart speaker can turn up the fun in your home. (Image: Shutterstock)

This list would not be complete without mentioning smart speakers, specifically Amazon’s famous Alexa. These smart devices are voice-activated and do more than just play your favorite songs: They can set alarms, tell you the weather, and create reminders upon request.

Smart devices can also communicate with other compatible gadgets around your home. For example, you can ask your Alexa to turn the lights on or change the temperature on your thermostat at a specific time. A smart speaker is the perfect home assistant — and its simple design makes it blend seamlessly into any home decor.

Smart Plugs

A smart plug has a Midas touch — everything it touches turns “smart.” These Wi-Fi-enabled power strips plug into a regular wall outlet and allow you to control any connected devices remotely. If you connect a regular lamp to the smart plug you’ll be able to turn it on and off from a distance using the mobile app — or ask Alexa to turn on the lamp.

Smart plugs can make your life many times easier. You won’t have to get up to turn off the lights or get the coffee machine started. In addition, smart plugs are among the most affordable and accessible smart devices included on this list.

Smart Thermostats

 A smart thermostat showing a message that the heater is off
Smart thermostats can lower energy consumption in your home and help you save on monthly bills. (Image: Shutterstock)

Just about every home gadget and appliance comes in “smart” form these days — including your thermostat. These new devices can be controlled remotely using a mobile app or another smart device, such as Alexa or Nest, which is Google’s equivalent smart speaker.

The ability to control your appliances remotely is more than just convenience. A smart thermostat can automatically adjust your home’s temperature after learning your preferences, which can help you save significantly on utilities, such as cooling and heating costs. Instead of having the AC running all day while you’re away, you can turn it on remotely before coming home and lower your energy consumption. In addition, smart thermostats can tell you when it’s time to change your air filters and provide other useful information.

Google Nest Hub (2nd Generation)

Smart hubs are the latest improvement in home organization. These devices help you run your home by centralizing core functions and collaborating with other smart devices. Google’s Nest Hub is the best among all the options in the market: Unlike other options, it’s one of the few to feature a smart display.

The possibilities are endless with a Google Nest Hub. You can stream music, watch cooking videos, or listen to your favorite podcasts in the kitchen. You can also get things done by creating shopping lists, making calls, and asking your device to set reminders. Thanks to its voice-command system, you can do it all hands-free.

Smart Doorbells

 A smart doorbell outside an entrance with a small camera lens
A smart doorbell can help keep you safe. (Image: Shutterstock)

Smart home devices can do more than make your life easier or help you save money — they can also keep your family safe. Smart doorbells can turn a familiar and mundane device into your next home security system. Doubling as a traditional doorbell as well as a camera, smart doorbells let you use your mobile device to see who’s knocking on your door — even when you’re not home.

There are various smart doorbells out there, and each type offers different features. Some models allow for two-way audio, perfect for when you’re not home to receive important packages and would like to relay instructions. Others have the option of recording video footage for up to several minutes. Who knew a doorbell could do so much?

Smart Air Purifiers

No one wants to breathe dirty air in their home, and thanks to smart air purifiers, you don’t have to. These smart devices are more than just a fan you can control from your phone. They can automatically monitor the air quality in your household and screen for particulate pollutants — including viruses and bacteria that the air purifier can then capture. These smart gadgets can also remove other unwanted airborne particles such as allergens, dust, mold spores, and pet dander, making it a great addition to families who suffer from allergies.

Smart air purifiers are a particularly great purchase during the intense flu season. Another protective function includes smoke detection, which is important in keeping your family safe.